Terms of Service
Terms of Service
Welcome to Hetrics. Our core services include a comprehensive search for Health facilities with filtering options by name, location, and ownership type, along with the ability to review and contact these facilities directly. User-generated content, like reviews, is subject to moderation; we reserve the right to remove content or suspend accounts that violate our policies. We employ automated content screening to preemptively flag and deal with offensive or spammy content. Disputes that arise between users or between a user and our platform will be handled by a dedicated team, in compliance with our data protection and privacy policies. While the platform is currently free, we reserve the right to introduce paid features in the future. Lastly, we maintain the right to terminate accounts that breach our terms, engage in review spamming, or are found culpable in a dispute resolution process. For dispute-related inquiries, contact us at dispute@hetrics.com.