Data Protection & Privacy Policies
Data Protection
Your privacy and data protection are paramount to us as you navigate through Hetrics. To facilitate a streamlined experience, we collect a focused set of personal information—specifically your email, full name, and location data. Cookies are deployed for authentication purposes and any third-party cookies are to this effect as well, making your interactions with our site seamless and secure. We go to great lengths to safeguard your data by encrypting it and storing it in a fully managed and monitored database. While we currently do not share your information with third-party services, we reserve the right to do so in the future for objectives such as analytics, future in-app features and improvements, and targeted ads. It is important to know that our data centers are cross-border, meaning your data may be transferred across borders in accordance with international data protection standards. We've implemented robust security measures including, but not limited to, data encryption and database monitoring, all designed to thwart unauthorized access. We respect your autonomy in managing your data; therefore, you always have the option to opt-out of data collection or request its deletion as per your convenience.
Data Privacy
Our commitment to data privacy extends beyond stringent data protection measures. We retain your data only until you choose to delete your account, which takes effect immediately. For data that can't be fully removed due to its interconnectedness with other users and sub-systems, we anonymize it to safeguard your identity. You will always be informed of changes to our privacy policy through your preferred means of communication, and you'll have the option to reject these changes. In such cases, you can download all your data and request its deletion. Currently, we do not collect data from minors. If you have any privacy-related queries, we're available for direct correspondence via Lastly, if you wish, you can request a complete download of your data at any time, further empowering you to control your own information.